Tuesday 8 November 2016

Butternut Squash, Chicken and Cavolo Nero Pasta

I love pasta dishes but most of the ones I make have a sauce, so I wanted to do something a little different to my usual. I took inspiration from what I had in my fridge and after a little bit of web surfing I came up with this combination.

Makes 2 servings
Cooking Time - 35 Minutes Approximately
Gas Mark 7 / 230*
Syn Value on Extra Easy - 1

2 x Chicken Breasts diced
1 x Small Butternut Squash diced
10 Stems x Cavolo Nero (Black Kale) stems removed and shredded
4 x Slices of Smoked Bacon all visible fat removed and diced
200 grams Pasta Shapes
1 x Tsp Garlic Granules
1/2 - 1 x Tsp Dried Sage
2 x Tbsp Parmesan
Black Pepper and Salt
Frylight (I used Butter Flavor)

1. Heat oven and put diced butternut squash in roasting tin and spray with Frylight season with black pepper and roast for 30 minutes, turn half way through.
2. Spray frying pan with Frylight and place on a medium heat and add diced chicken and cook for 5 minutes then add bacon, cavolo nero, garlic and sage and cook for a further 5-7 minutes till bacon and chicken are cooked through, (if cavolo is still a little under cooked, add a little of the pasta water to the frying pan and put a lid on to steam the chicken, bacon and cavolo for a few minutes).
3. Whilst chicken etc. are cooking put pasta on to cook as per packet instructions in little salted water.
4. Once squash and pasta are cooked add to the chicken mixture in the frying pan, season with black pepper and mix well.
5. To serve divide into two pasta bowls and sprinkle with 1 Tbsp of parmesan over each bowl.

Enjoy x

* You can substitute Cavolo Nero with ordinary Kale or Savoy Cabbage*

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