Monday 2 January 2017

New Year, New You

As the New Year begins we tend to look forward to what our weight loss and exercise goals will be for the next year. For me this year will be getting to target. It's been a long time coming but I needed to loose about half my body weight and with my thyroid issue it has been slow going. Exercise is definitely another area I need to address, as up until now I haven't done anything of any significance.

So what will be my plan of action?

As regards getting to target, it's very simple - I will try and make each day count by being on plan. I will keep a diary of my meals, syns and healthy extras. If I have a bad day I will make sure I simply draw a line under it and start a fresh. I will not feel guilty or throw in the towel. So basically carry on as I have been doing with faith in myself and the plan.

Exercise is something I have done on and off over the years but it's not been a big part of my life. My partner has agreed we will give jogging ago. He is a keen cyclist but I'm too nervous of the traffic to go with him but maybe in the summer I may give it a go on light evenings. For now though we are going to start with just short jogging sessions on an evening and see if we can get to grips with it. I'm not going to set a goal as such, as I don't want to set myself up to fail. It will simply be give it a go and take it from there.

Whatever your plans are for the following year, I would say make them realistic because if you set the bar too high, you are setting yourself up to fail. Focus on the little things that working towards your goal brings to your health, happiness and wellbeing. Don't focus on the whole but break it up into bite size pieces and enjoy it. At the end of the day it's the little things that will make you the happiest if you let them.

Happy 2017 x

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