Sunday 23 July 2017

Contentment Can Be a Problem Too

Apologies for not posting for a while but I seem to have been a little distracted over the last couple of months or so. I seem to have lost my mojo and then went on a wonderful holiday. This has meant that I have put on over the last 5 weeks, 6.5lbs but the previous month I went down then up by 2lbs. I really need to take stock of my feelings and bad habits that have been creeping in.

I think my main problem is that I'm happy. Not really what you thought would be a problem but it's a very real one. When you are happy you can get complacent and this complacency can lead you back to old ways. You cut yourself more slack than when you feel you still have a way to go. Having an extra biscuit with that cuppa and saying yes to that slice of cake or even having a fatty chips or a chocolate bar. This has been me recently.

I have been very busy, more than usual and have felt like I have been at home less. Not sure if I have but it feels that way. I have been managing to make decent meals but in between I have been cutting myself a lot of slack. I also like how I look in the mirror, going from a size 24-26 to a size 12 is a great achievement but I still have a little way to go and should really be concentrating on getting to target before I take my foot off the gas too much.

In another 10 weeks I will have been coming to Slimming World for 3 years and it really is about time I pulled my finger out and got to my goal. I need to loose 12lbs to get there and so this needs to be my focus. This is going to be my challenge to get there by 2nd October.

What's yours going to be?

                                                                 Now                                                        Then           

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