Saturday 25 November 2017

Re-Evaluating Life

Sorry I haven't posted in ages.
I took on a new volunteer post for a charity at the beginning of August and it ended up being nearly a full time job on top of my paid full time job. Needless to say I have had to stand down for my own health and sanity.

I said in one of my last posts I wanted to reach target by the 2nd October which would have seen me be at Slimming World for 3 years. Well that goal came and went but I have been trying to stick with it. I seem to be going up and down the scales by 3-4lbs, never making much head way but never gaining too much either. As of a couple of days ago I got my free time back and I am going to have to make serious good use of the time between now and the weigh in before Christmas to reach my goal. So my strategy is to PLAN, PLAN, PLAN.