Saturday 25 November 2017

Re-Evaluating Life

Sorry I haven't posted in ages.
I took on a new volunteer post for a charity at the beginning of August and it ended up being nearly a full time job on top of my paid full time job. Needless to say I have had to stand down for my own health and sanity.

I said in one of my last posts I wanted to reach target by the 2nd October which would have seen me be at Slimming World for 3 years. Well that goal came and went but I have been trying to stick with it. I seem to be going up and down the scales by 3-4lbs, never making much head way but never gaining too much either. As of a couple of days ago I got my free time back and I am going to have to make serious good use of the time between now and the weigh in before Christmas to reach my goal. So my strategy is to PLAN, PLAN, PLAN.

So after looking at my target weight I have decided to raise it a little. My original target was 9st 3lbs but I have raised it to 9st 10lbs. The reason for my decision was to do with my age and health. At 45 years old I am now in perimenopause, the stage before you actually reach the menopause. It's a pretty hellish time for your hormones and that affect all aspects of your life. Mother Nature shall we say is visiting extremely frequently then not at all for a couple of months and this means my moods are all over the place. PMT has become my second name and I have been known to set up camp in the fridge and demand chocolate.

The other thing that has been happening is I have been going out and eating out a fair bit more than before. It's also known as living your life so I'm just rolling with it. I tend to eat what I want and then try and pull it back for the rest of the week. I'm normally not too bad on this score and something I have always done. On the plus side I don't drink which means I'm not fighting the hangover munchies the following day.

I also know that even though my target weigh is a little higher I have a fair bit of excess skin and I feel at some point I will be looking at a tummy tuck. All my family promised they would not let me become a lollypop head and as they think I'm looking about right I don't want to push it to the point that I will struggle to maintain my target weight. The thought of me undoing all my hard work from being unrealistic really is a concern, so I'm aiming for sensible and healthy. My clothes are a size 12 but I have bought the odd size 10, so from a size 26 at my biggest I don't think I'm doing too shabby.

In the picture above the top I'm wearing is a size 12 and I was told it looked a little big. RESULT. Oh I won Miss Slinky again this year too x

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