Monday 22 August 2016

Be Prepared.....

Being prepared is important advice for anyone wants to improve their diet. If you aren't, then you can and probably will make bad choices, especially when you are hungry. Grabbing food on the go can be a real problem at times. When you are first on the plan, you won't know what's a good and what's a bad food choice. This comes with time. However there is a fab Slimming World App for members to help you stay on track.

The first way I try to be prepared is by writing a meal plan. By deciding on my meals for each day either for a full week or for say 3-4 days, I know what I'm doing. The next step is to shop for that meal plan. I do a recce of my fridge, freezer and store cupboards. Then I can write my shopping list. There are allsorts of different Apps available for this if you prefer. I'm a pen and paper kind of girl. I try to write the list as if I was walking around a supermarket or visiting different shops. That way I save time whilst actually doing the shop and less likely to forget something. Then I shop. Sticking to my list is important to avoid picking up those biscuits or crisps on special offer.

My next way of trying to stay on track, is planning when I'm eating out. I look up where I'm going online and check the menu. I can make a mental note of the best choices or if there isn't somewhere set to go, I look up eateries in the area. I make my choice according to the best options. Just a few minutes can make a vast difference to your confidence when ordering.

Going to parties and BBQ's can be the hardest test on will power. My family and friends have got used to me turning up with healthy food options and drinks. I always drive as I'm not a big drinker and it saves me from drunk munchies. I normally take a couple of dishes and make plenty as they always go down so well. If its a BBQ I make my own burgers or do meat and vegetable kebabs and sausages. My family and friends always put me salad to one side without dressing. Then because I know I have my own healthy options and aren't drinking, I can let myself have something's off plan if I wish. Or I can stay completely on plan. The other option is to eat before you go, then don't have anything. I know a few people that do that but I'm just not that strong and I would personally feel like I was missing out.

Batch cooking can also be a lifesaver. You get in from work, exhausted and need to eat asap. Your hand hovers over the takeaway menu because you really can't be bothered to cook. Stop. You have a Bolognese or a casserole in the freezer. Simply defrost and heat through. Throw some vegetables in the microwave or pasta on the hob and it's done. You will have saved money, had a healthy tea and stayed on plan. And if you live on your own batch cooking is more cost effective than just cooking for one. One final note - it's very hand when you come home from the pub and wanted to stop for a curry, kebab or pizza. Sorted.

I know this all seems a lot of time and effort. But isn't your health and happiness worth it ?

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