Friday 26 August 2016

Snack Attack

Snacking is something a lots of us do. Some just have a little bite in between meals and others graze constantly all day. Being in control of this is very important to your overall weight loss. If you are happy to reach for a piece of fruit then it isn't a problem but if you are a fridge raider or a half a packet of biscuits with a cuppa then this is for you.

Firstly before you reach for a snack ask yourself are you hungry, bored or thirsty. Then have a glass of water or sugar free juice because our brain can't always tell the difference between hunger and thirst. Don't have a caffeine fix as this will dehydrate you more. Then wait 15 minutes and if you are still hungry have a snack but be mindful of what you have. If you are just bored, try to find another way to fill your time.

The best way to then control snacking is actually to plan for them. Build them into your daily food. On Slimming World they say it is best to have foods that has very low energy density or calories to help you loose weight more quickly and that still applies to snacks. Sometimes you just need something a little more substantial, then food rich in protein will help you feel fuller for longer and should stop you reaching for the biscuit tin. Meat, eggs, fat free or very low fat cottage cheese, quark, fish, meat substitutes (check syns), tofu and pulses are all great for this. If you are snacking think about how may syns if any you wish to uses, as this could have a significant impact on what syns you have left for the rest of the day and may cause you to go over them.

Here are some ideas for snacks that are syn free if you need something a little more interesting than an apple and still on plan.

Fruit kebabs - Chop up a selection of fruit into bit size pieces and put on to kebab skewers. Serve with your favourite fat free yogurt for dipping or fat free fromage frais with flavouring and sweetener. It makes it more interesting than a piece of fruit and lasts longer too.
Crudites and Dips - A rainbow of different salad and vegetables is a feast for the eyes and is very satisfying. Slice up celery, carrots, cucumber, peppers with cherry tomatoes, button mushrooms and spring onions. Serve with homemade tzatziki, houmous or your favourite fat free or very low fat cottage cheese (you can always blend it until smooth to make more of a dip and add herbs and spices if you wish). If you wish to use shop bought dips, go for low fat and check the syns.
Tzatziki - 1/2 cucumber grated or chopped, 1 garlic clove crushed, 300ml fat free natural yogurt, 1 tbsp chopped fresh mint, squeeze of lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Mix all ingredients together, garnish with chives and chill for at least an hour.
Houmous - 1 x 400g can of chickpeas drained, cold water, 2 cloves of garlic crusted, 1tbsp lemon juice, 1 roasted red pepper in brine (rinse) or roast a pepper yourself and remove the skin, sprinkle of sweet smoked paprika. Put chickpeas, roasted pepper and garlic into blender and blend. Add lemon juice and carry on blending. Add a splash of water to make into a smooth paste and season to taste. Transfer into a bowl and sprinkle with smoked sweet paprika and chill for at least an hour.
*If you find raw garlic a little too strong you can roast whole cloves of garlic for around 30-40 minutes until soft. These will be more sweet with a more mellow garlic flavour.*
Crustless Mediterranaen Quiche - In the recipe section is ideal too, especially made into individual muffins. Very versatile.
Very Lean Cooked Meats, Fish, Chicken Legs with the Skin Removed and Boiled Eggs - These works well with the cruditĂ©s and dips too.
Pickled Vegetables - Gerkins, beetroot and onions go perfectly with cooked meats.
Frozen Banana - This was something one of the ladies in my group recommended and it's brilliant and so simple. Slice up a banana (great for using up over ripe bananas). Layout in a container so the pieces don't touch and put in freezer. Once frozen they can be transferred into a freezer bag. They become more like an ice cream consistency and fantastic in warm weather.
Scotch Eggs - I make these vegetarian. Eggs boiled and peeled, Linda McCartney Red Onion and Rosemary Sausages defrosted. Flatted out a sausage on a piece of cling film. Place the boiled egg in the centre of the sausage mixture and ease it around the egg with the help of the cling film. Twist the cling film together and knot and put in fridge to chill for at least 30 minutes. To bake, place on baking tray and spray with Frylight and put in oven from 25-30 approximately on Gas 5 180/200. Great hot or cold. The veggie sausages taste a like stuffing so a lovely twist on a traditional snack. You don't need breadcrumbs on them either like this.
Homemade Soup - Soup is not just for a meal but can be great for snacks too. It's easy to make and great for using up vegetable that you have leftover, you can add different beans too, to make it more filling. Simply chop and add them to stock, bring to boil and simmer until the vegetables are soft. Add what ever seasoning you like and it's done. That is unless you prefer it smooth, then just wiz it up in the blender.

The only rule I tend to have for myself, is to not have carbs such as potatoes, rice or pasta as snacks and use them purely as part of a meal. I do however like a Slimming World Light Hifi Bar, an Alpen Light Bar or Snack a Jack Rice Cake as a treat that I syn.

So be kind to your weight loss and plan your snacks.

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