Sunday 4 September 2016

When The Going Gets Tough

There are times in everyone's life when things happen that cause us to loose control of are eating. Some of these situations can be very emotional and stressful such as bereavement, serious illness, relationships, work or financial worries. Other situations could be short lived like a party with a buffet, kids on school leave or holidays. There are a few things you can do to help you get back in control. Even if only a little bit. Something doable when times are testing but they can help give you a lift.

1. The first golden rule is to not feel guilty. You are only human and you are not the only one that has had a weight loss wobble. I know it's easier said than done but believe me, the sooner you learn to let it go the better you will feel. Guilt can be very destructive and can cause you to carry on eating off plan as you start thinking 'what's the point'. Just draw a line under what has happened and try to get back on plan asap. If you are dealing with a situation that is long term make a few small changes can help you to maintain or have a lot less of a gain, when you are able to get back on plan fully.

2. The second rule is to weigh and stay to your slimming group. These are the times you really need the support. Being surrounded by others that understand you is vital in giving you a boost. Remember there is no shame in a gain so never worry. You will not be judged, just supported. A little timeout for yourself is important too and is by no means selfish.

3. If your wobble isn't because of an event or situation but just because you have become complacent in keeping track of what your are doing, then you need to go back to basics. Read the plan to reacquaint yourself with the rules and the key points that you may have forget about. If you never count your syns, write them down. If you estimate your syns start seriously looking them up. If you never weigh your healthy extras start doing it. Try to drink at least 2 litres of sugar and caffeine free beverages a day. And plan. plan. plan. It makes life easier in the long run when you know what you have to eat and also stops you thinking about food all the time. Just winging it means you really aren't in control. You may think you are 100% on plan but when you break it down you may actually be way off. You deserve to be the best you can be, so make it happen by being honest with yourself.

4. If you are becoming bored by the plan then you really need to inject some excitement into what you eat. Give your meal plan a shake up and challenge yourself to try a new recipe every week, embrace different healthy extras or try new snacks. It is so easy to get stuck in a rut with your meals. I know as I have some meals that I make nearly every week. I do however try new recipes most weeks or re visit old ones and it is this that keeps the plan exciting for me. I also like to try new ingredients from time to time. I never would have been able to stay on the plan for all this time if I was bored. Only fad diets are boring.

5. Give yourself an incentive or goal to work towards. Save £1 or 2 for every 1lb you loose or say when you get to a certain weight you are going to treat yourself to something you have wanted for a while. Or you want to be in a certain clothes size or weight for an up and coming event. This should help you to re-focus.

And if you think you are failing take a look at where you started and where you are now. x

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