Wednesday 28 September 2016

Chicken and Mushroom Stroganoff - Can Be Made Vegetarian

Stroganoff is a great dish and can easily be adapted to vegetarian by simply omitting the chicken or for a more meaty recipe the chicken can be substituted with beef or pork. It goes well with most side dishes too, from mash potatoes and red cabbage to pasta and a side salad.

Makes 2 servings
Syns on Exra Easy - 0.5
Cooking Time - 30 Minutes

2 x Chicken Breast Fillets (Skinless and Boneless) Diced
1 x 250g Punnet Mushrooms (I used wild and chestnut mushrooms) Sliced
1 x Small Red Onion/ 2 x Shallots Diced
1 x Small Red Pepper Sliced
200ml x Hot Chicken Stock (Use Vegetable Stock if making veggie version)
1 x Large Heaped Tbsp Quark
1 x Tbsp Tomato Puree
1/4 x Tsp Nutmeg
1 x Tbsp Cornflower
Plenty Black Pepper
Caraway Seeds (optional) to Garnish
Chopped Parsley or Dried to Garnish

1. Spray frying pan with Frylight and cook the onion and pepper on a medium heat until they start to soften.
2. Add the diced chicken and cook for a few minutes so that it is sealed.
3. Add the mushrooms and continue to cook everything until the mushrooms are nearly done and have stopped releasing liquid and the chicken is golden. Spray with more Frylight if needed.
4. In a measuring jug make up the stock as directed and add the tomato puree and nutmeg and whisk. Then using some of the stock mixture, make the cornflower into a paste and mix back into the rest of the stock. Finally add the quark and whisk to fully incorporate this.
5. Pour the stock/quark sauce into the frying pan over the rest of the ingredients, mix and allow it to simmer, reduce and thicken. Stir occasionally.
6. Once ready serve with sides of your choice sprinkled with parsley and the caraways seeds.

Enjoy x

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