Tuesday 11 October 2016

Aparagus and Tender Stem Broccoli Risotto

People think risotto is really complicated but it really is very simply and versatile. It's great for using up bit's and pieces in the fridge, vegetables, meat, poultry and fish. This risotto is one of my favourite's and enjoy it equally with salmon, sea bass or chicken for something different and to please the other half. I tend to serve it on a bed of baby spinach which wilts down with the heat from the plate and risotto but doesn't go mushy as it would if cooked fully within the dish.

Makes 2 Servings
Cooking Time 30 Minutes Approximately
Syns on Extra Easy - 1/2

150g Risotto Rice
1 x Small Pack Tender Stem Broccoli Sliced Length Ways to aid Quicker Cooking
1 x Small Pack Asparagus Cut into 1 inch Pieces
1/2 x Red Onion or 2 Shallots Diced
800ml -1L Boiling Vegetable Stock (I used reduced salt stock cubes as can be too salty otherwise)
1/2 - 1 x Tsp Garlic Granules
1 x Level Tbsp Grated Parmesan
Black Pepper
Chopped Fresh Parsley to Serve

1. Spray large frying pan with Frylight and add the onion and cook on a medium heat till softened.
2. Add the risotto rice and cook for a couple of minutes to start toasting the rice and absorbing any liquid from the onions.
3. Add 1/4 of the stock to the onions and rice along with the garlic granules, stir well and simmer until the liquid has been absorbed.
4. Keep adding 1/4 of stock to pan at a time stir and allow to absorb.
5. On the final 1/4 of stock add the vegetables and stir then cover with a lid to allow the vegetables to steam as well as simmer.
6. Once all the liquid has been adsorbed and the vegetables tender add the parmesan and stir well. (If the vegetables are still too hard add a little more boiled water to the pan and carry on cooking).
7. To serve sprinkle with the chopped parsley.

Enjoy x

Topped with cooked salmon for a change

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