Saturday 6 January 2018

Christmas Has Been and Gone...

I promised myself in November that I would get to target for Christmas after missing my 2nd October deadline. Did I get there at Christmas? NOPE.

I missed it by a mile and I'm now 7lbs heavier than last Christmas. Am I upset by this epic FAIL ? The simple answer is 'no'. Weirdly I'm actually glad this has happened as it has given me a real kick up the bum I needed to sort my head out.

I don't know why but just about every time I set a weight loss goal I seem to miss it. If I just carry on and not put pressure on myself I get where I want to be. Stupid isn't it. I'm not a competitive person so challenges are in some way add negative pressure and not a positive incentive. It's taken me a while to learn this now I know I am going to stop putting pressure on myself to achieve in a given time scale. My life is enough of a challenge on it's own and my weigh loss so far has already being a great achievement.

I was doing OK getting to target and felt confident I would reach it by Christmas then BOOM. December hit and I wasn't anywhere nearly as organised as I should have been.

What slipped. EVERYTHING.
No meal planning. No organised food shopping lists to shop with. No counting syns. The recipe for disaster.

What crept back in. OLD HABITS.
Winging the food shop which was very hit and miss, even with my reasonable cooking ability. Being rushed or tired and ordering a takeaway, as no batch cooking in the freezer or a clear plan for quick tasty meals. With the takeaways comes the high fat, high sugar snacks. The crisps, biscuits, chocolates, cake and sweets as the takeaways never fill you for long. Your blood sugar spikes and crashes, so you need another hit. By the time Christmas arrived it was more of the same but just at full steam ahead. The only saving grace was the fact that nearly all my breakfasts and lunches were on plan throughout the whole time. It could have easily being a lot bigger gain.

I know I'm not the only one facing the Christmas gain and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

So what do we do about it?

Press the reset button.
It doesn't have to be New Year to do this but anytime you really need it.
I'm personally not setting a time scale on getting to target now. Instead I'm going to focus on 'The Plan'. My challenge is to food optimise as much as is possible on a daily basis. On the days I can't be on plan 100% I will aim to do my best even if it's for just one meal that day. I have 11 lbs now to loose, so I'm taking it 1lb at a time.

Keep focused and do it for you.

Happy New Year x

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