Tuesday 13 December 2016

How To Cook The Slimming World Way - Hints and Tips

I was talking to a gentleman the other day and it turned out he had join Slimming World but was struggling to get back into it after an operation. He had joined with another family member and they were the main cook from what I could make out. The problem was they were so busy they had resorted to just having Slimming World ready meals as their main meal in the evening. Now they are Free, healthy and balanced but the one thing they don't give you is a massive variety and this is where this family had come unstuck. They were simply bored of what they were eating. He said although he could cook the basics he didn't feel he had the knowledge to tackle making the evening meals. So here is my advice on how to get started.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Butternut Squash, Chicken and Cavolo Nero Pasta

I love pasta dishes but most of the ones I make have a sauce, so I wanted to do something a little different to my usual. I took inspiration from what I had in my fridge and after a little bit of web surfing I came up with this combination.

Friday 14 October 2016

Minced Beef Hash

Corned Beef Hash is one of those dishes that is comforting and perfect for a chilli day but it is high in fat, so high in syns. This version using extra lean mince beef is a wonderful healthy spin on a firm family favourite.

Aromatic Thai Fish Cakes

Fish cakes are great for a starter, main course or even a snack. These are a little different from the traditional, humble fish cake with their subtle aromatic Thai flavors. These were made for a Slimming World Taster, so made as small bites suitable for a buffet.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Roast Potatoes

Everyone loves a roast potato but when cooked in oil or goose fat they really eat into your syn allowance. These potatoes though are syn free, making the perfect partner to your Roast Dinner.

Aparagus and Tender Stem Broccoli Risotto

People think risotto is really complicated but it really is very simply and versatile. It's great for using up bit's and pieces in the fridge, vegetables, meat, poultry and fish. This risotto is one of my favourite's and enjoy it equally with salmon, sea bass or chicken for something different and to please the other half. I tend to serve it on a bed of baby spinach which wilts down with the heat from the plate and risotto but doesn't go mushy as it would if cooked fully within the dish.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Chicken and Mushroom Stroganoff - Can Be Made Vegetarian

Stroganoff is a great dish and can easily be adapted to vegetarian by simply omitting the chicken or for a more meaty recipe the chicken can be substituted with beef or pork. It goes well with most side dishes too, from mash potatoes and red cabbage to pasta and a side salad.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Chicken and Chorizo Paella

I love Mediterranaen cuisine and also one-pot dishes, so to me Paella is perfect. This version is low in syns but still retains the wonderful flavours you would expect. It also has a little extra speed vegetables in there too.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Chicken Bean Soup

This tasty soup is a twist on classic Cock-a-Leekie. It's wonderfully for a starter, lunch or supper. Having the additional protein of the beans it helps to keep you fuller for longer. It freezes well too, so can be portioned up and put in the freezer.

Sea Bass With Chorizo Bean Stew

This dish was inspired by a recipe James Martin cooked on one of his programs. I looked it up and worked out how to make it Slimming World friendly. Full of Mediterranean flavours that whisks you back to your summer holidays.

Sunday 4 September 2016

When The Going Gets Tough

There are times in everyone's life when things happen that cause us to loose control of are eating. Some of these situations can be very emotional and stressful such as bereavement, serious illness, relationships, work or financial worries. Other situations could be short lived like a party with a buffet, kids on school leave or holidays. There are a few things you can do to help you get back in control. Even if only a little bit. Something doable when times are testing but they can help give you a lift.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Panang Pork Curry

This wonderfully spicy and aromatic Thai curry would normally be around 10+ syns per serving, as the base of the sauce is made with coconut milk. With a little Slimming World knowhow I have managed to reduce the syns in this recipe down significantly without loosing any of the richness and flavour. 

Saturday 27 August 2016

Cheesy bolognese pasta Bake (Can Be Made Vegetarian)

This dish was inspired by a ready meal my beloved and I used to buy in the days before Slimming World entered out lives. It's a real comforting dish and feels very naughty with all the lovely oozing cheese. Totally scrummy. With just one ingredient change it can be made vegetarian too.

Friday 26 August 2016

Snack Attack

Snacking is something a lots of us do. Some just have a little bite in between meals and others graze constantly all day. Being in control of this is very important to your overall weight loss. If you are happy to reach for a piece of fruit then it isn't a problem but if you are a fridge raider or a half a packet of biscuits with a cuppa then this is for you.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Spicy Sausage and Bean Stew (Can Be Made Vegetarian)

Sausage stew is a real family favourite and this one should be no exception. This recipe can be adjusted to make it hot, hot, hot. Smoky and spicy makes a fantastic alternative to the traditional sausage stew.

Carbs is NOT a Swear Word .....

One thing that lots of people really struggle with on a diet, is the lack of carbohydrates. We are told carbs are fattening and bad for us. On Slimming World it's simply not the case. It is for me, one of the reasons the plan works so well. I LOVE CARBS.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

The Tortoise and the Hare

I help at my slimming group and do the weigh in sometimes. What really surprises me is the amount of people disappointed by a small weight loss. You see I'm known as the Tortoise by some group members. My weight loss is slow and steady just like a tortoise. I never loose impressive amounts but on the plus side I never gain large amounts either. In fact I average at just over 1/2lb a week but I have learnt to accept this is who I am and how my body works.

Raspberry and Almond Weetabix Muffins

The basic mixture for these Weetabix muffins is so versatile. It can be paired with many different flavour combinations. They makes a great filling breakfast or a tasty treat with a cuppa. And if you use them as your Healthy Extra B choice the are very low in syns. I love lemon and blueberry and blueberry and vanilla as alternative flavours. Yummy.

Monday 22 August 2016

Lemon Posset (Gluten Free)

Lemon Posset is one of those decadent desserts that is definitely a 'moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips'. Double cream, sugar and lemon, why wouldn't you like it. This recipe was just an experiment for a group taster session. I just made it up and it was a definite hit. Made from 3 ingredients and no cooking. It's really simple and Gluten Free too.

Sticky Salmon with Egg Fried Rice and Stir Fry Vegetables

I love Chinese food, so this dish is very popular in my house and is quick to make too. The individual dishes can be mixed and matched to other dishes to create your favourite Chinese supper or banquet in our case.

Be Prepared.....

Being prepared is important advice for anyone wants to improve their diet. If you aren't, then you can and probably will make bad choices, especially when you are hungry. Grabbing food on the go can be a real problem at times. When you are first on the plan, you won't know what's a good and what's a bad food choice. This comes with time. However there is a fab Slimming World App for members to help you stay on track.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Crustless Mediterranean Quiche (Can Be Made Vegetarian)

Slimming World Quiche is a mainstay of my lunchtime fare. You can choose whatever vegetables, lean cooked meats, fish, herbs and spices you like, to add to the basic quiche mixture. If you have a favourite shop bought quiche, you could use that for inspiration. You can make them in one large flan dish or as individual muffins. Great for picnics and the kids pack ups too. All the family will love them.

Croque Monsieur

This is one of my favourite weekend breakfasts and is great for brunch too. The posh French sandwich fried in butter and loaded with ham and cheese, a really diet nightmare. This healthier version makes use of your Healthy Extras A and B to give you syn free deliciousness.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Getting Started

Getting started. That's the first stumbling block for many people when thinking about changing their diet to become more healthy. It's a minefield out there. I have over the years tried and failed to make any great in roads with my weight loss. Yes I do have a medical condition but it's not just that, that led me to give up.

Fad diets for one are just that, a fad. They are normally followed for short periods of time and offer great results. But more often than not they leave you feeling deprived, hungry and miserable. Yes you may have lost a decent amount of weight but then you start eating again. The way you did before and guess what? You put it all back on nearly as fast as you lost it, plus a little bit more for good measure. You never learnt a thing about how to eat in a way to nourish your body and still loose weight. You just starved it instead.